this website will be renewed this summer, 2024

custom orders

J.C. HERMAN manufacture also makes ceramics to order.
The minimum quantity for this is (usually) 6 copies.

N.B.: For reordering items from the previous tableware series rondo and piedi -which are not made of porcelain clay- you must count on a long delivery time, varrying from 3-4 weeks to several months.
On the other hand, there is no minimum quantity required: we make the plates or cups individually (single copies) for you.

All items found on this website are customizable.
Would you like a different size or colour? Or do you have a design that you would like to have produced?
Please contact us for an appointment. We look forward to receiving you in our studio.
You can also see the production process, so that you understand why you have to wait 3 to 6 weeks before your order is ready. Custom-made items don't cost anything extra, just a little patience.

Note: we only work on the potter's wheel, so the one limitation is that everything produced must be round.
Square or oval shapes are made with a mould or modelled by hand, neither of which are processes we employ.